Our Commitment
Stellantis is committed to ensure diversity, which is a driving strength for an international company gathering together employees with multiple backgrounds, talented and experienced, capable of designing, developing, manufacturing, distributing and selling vehicles but also market mobility solutions around the world.
Stellantis is committed to value a fair and inclusive work environment, free from prejudice, violence, harassment or any other form of discrimination. Stellantis promotes equal opportunities and diversity in employment where each person is valued for their contribution to the company.
At Stellantis, Human Resources and Management practices are based on skills and are results driven. It starts with the recruitment process and continues at every stage of the employees professional development. The Group applies equal treatment between people to prevent discrimination based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation or religion. At Stellantis, racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any other manifestation of discrimination is not tolerated. The Group relies on social dialogue, raises awareness and trains employees to prevent prejudice.
Stellantis establishes alert procedures to prevent all forms of discrimination, harassment or violence at work and to ensure the privacy of employees is respected
A system for alerting and dealing with discriminations is accessible to applicants who believe they are victims of a discriminatory measure. Complaints can be sent via the following email address : diversite@mpsa.com. They are then forwarded to a dedicated counselling unit within the Group, which will handle them with full confidentiality and neutrality.

As proof of its commitment, the Group is awarded the “Diversity Label” certified by AFNOR since 2009. |
The Group implements a proactive policy enabling employment and retention of disabled staff members. More than 5000 disabled employees work within the Group.
The Group signed the « Manifesto for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Economic Life »

The Group wants to develop the place of women in the company. Its commitment relates to the diversity of professions, access for women to all levels of responsibility, HR processes that ensure professional and salary equality.
As proof of its commitment, the Group has been awarded the “Equality Label” certified by AFNOR, since 2005.
The Group’s Youth Employment policy is based on a responsible commitment by facilitating the integration of young people into the labor market.
As part of this program, the Group welcomes more than 5000 young people (apprenticeships, internships, professionalization contracts). The Group maintains partnerships with schools and universities to promote the development of training courses that respond to the strategic challenges of the automotive sector.
The Group also participates in local professional integration around its sites.